Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This is Your Brain...This is Your Brain on Baby

The Wonky Mess

Have you ever known you were right? You are right the world is wrong. It doesn't matter if you have had maybe 2 hours of decent sleep in a week. You are right. How could you be wrong?

Went skipping, more like running at top speed, off to knit night last night. As promised the evil little sock was present but had to have a time out in its bag. I was going to start a new project. An easy peasy I don't even have to look at it project. I will preface this by saying I am not a cable virgin. I have done them and love em! They don't scare me. The fact that this was a 24 stitch cable didn't phase me. Yup, slip 12 stitches off let em hang out with their toes flapping in the breeze, knit 12 stitches, twist with all your might to get those first 12 back in line and knit those babies. No problem. Somehow I forgot my brain has been on baby lately. Screw the drugs babies are way more dangerous! They will rob you of every sleeping opportunity that dares present itself! I nestle in with a large orange mocha latte and begin. The cabeling doesn't start till row 9. I was there in no time flat. This is when all hell breaks loose. I can only say I firmly believe the knitting pixies have been in my bag and bewitched the pattern page. They made do 24 stitch cable, THEN k2 p2 6 times LOOK like do 24 stitch cable 6 times. Yeah, I didn't have enough stitches. I decide to carry on with the next row anyway. Some things are a leap of faith. Somewhere on the next row I stat giggling to myself, I get louder, then a tad louder. I WOULD have sounded like a hysterical loon if it had not been open auditions for American Idol in Starbucks last night. I am not talking about the customers. No, no the employees. Let me just say that was awful, bloody awful. My knit buddy keeps wondering why I am laughing and behaving a bit odd. I mention the need for a drink. Since Starbucks hasn't caught on to the desperate need for suburban housewives to knock a few back you are advised to bring a flask on your next trip to latte land. I realize its WAY late so I figure I must rewrite the pattern when I get home since it was so totally screwed up. I mean how dare they tell me to cast on 104 stitches when you need 152. The gaul of some people!

Meanwhile back at the bat cave. I am all ready to make a post ranting about the error on the local forum when I decide to look at the original pattern online. HMMM. I see the error of my ways and realize I knit 2 extra cable sections. Well no wonder knitting that damn thing was like wrangling an octopus! My hands felt like they were gonna fall off! My knit buddy mentioned the model in the pattern did have a look on her face that suggested she was thinking why in the hell did she knit the damn thing.

Rip, Rip it Good

The not so wonky correction
In the light of day, after a decent night of sleep. What? How did that happen? I ripped it back and fixed the mistake and all seems so very much better now. Moral of the story kiddies: keep your brain off baby.

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