What is Buby wearing?
Tofustsies socks done! Wavy scarf on its way. Now that damn scarf is being a pain. First the yarn wouldn't take to any pattern. Then I get going on the current pattern and screw it up. Then I drop a stitch on a cable row and have to rip out a few rows. Picture me sitting at the table for like 45 min with a whole bunch of sock circulars stuck in to keep stitches from getting away. It was a delicate surgery. I used to believe a mermaid lived in this yarn. Now I know its a siren and she loves to see me crash on the rocks. Her name is Lola. Miserable siren!
I am unsure of this yarn. I have started the Monkey sock from Knitty. We shall see. The sock is the gauge check so this may all be ripped out very soon.
A cotton bib in progress. Almost done really just needs a cord. Ta Da the felted slippers!
You see every spare minute I can steal has been knitting, which is why I am behind with the blog. Knitting keeps me from pulling my hair out and I am shedding enough with the nursing that if I relax my knitting I will be bald. Apparently my grand scheme to keep my "on the needles" projects to a minimum has failed miserably. I choose to accept who I am. At least I complete them all eventually. The beast stirs.
1 comment:
OMG! That is THE absolute CUTEST photo of Liam!!!! He's growing so fast!!!! Give him a hug and kisses from his Auntie Diane...but please remind him that it's not nice to feel up your Auntie when posing for a photo :) LOL
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