Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Catch Up

Okay I am alive. My mother came to visit and that made things really busy. Then she left and promptly ended up in the hospital. Toss in general craziness and I haven't had time to post in a bit. I also got into Ravelry and have been over there a lot! I did finish and ship the shawl, but decided not to post pics until it was delivered, which it has been. So a real quick here is what has been happening via the pics up top. Finally blocked the Syrian shawl, made cardigan for Liam. There are all sorts of other happenings, but I have a lot going on in a class I am taking right now and that must take priority over the blog. I am going to try to get it updated and get back to it in case anyone is interested in my knitting stuff. Must feed the baby.

1 comment:

California Girl said...

Got the shawl and bowl. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!! And you! OMG about your mom! We have to catch up. Is she ok?

Love you!!!!!!!!!!