Swatch for Muir. I joined a yahoo knit a long and one in ravelry that starts Nov 15th.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Catch Up
Okay I am alive. My mother came to visit and that made things really busy. Then she left and promptly ended up in the hospital. Toss in general craziness and I haven't had time to post in a bit. I also got into Ravelry and have been over there a lot! I did finish and ship the shawl, but decided not to post pics until it was delivered, which it has been. So a real quick here is what has been happening via the pics up top. Finally blocked the Syrian shawl, made cardigan for Liam. There are all sorts of other happenings, but I have a lot going on in a class I am taking right now and that must take priority over the blog. I am going to try to get it updated and get back to it in case anyone is interested in my knitting stuff. Must feed the baby.
Monday, October 1, 2007
If Patience is a Virtue...
...I'm screwed. I am not so patiently waitig for my lace blocking wires. They did not come today. If the shawl wasn't done they would have magically appeared on my doorstep the second I ordered them. Since the shawl is done they apparently went slow boat to China. Not so good since I am in San Diego. Knocked out a quick sweater vest for Liam while waiting. Have started another sweather for him. Must go he demands attention.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
It's back! No not the blob the sinus infection. So this post will be short and sweet. I am a lost woman I have met Schaefer Anne sock yarn. SOOOO beautiful! It has mohair in it!
National Alpaca Farm day coming up in Oct. Get to visit local alpaca farms. Fun.
Diane I have made progress on your shawl, about 1/2 way thru the body. I haven't touched it in oh about 4 days as my head can't handle counting.
Did cast on the luscious Malabrigo silk blend. I am mixing it with some other yarns in a "The Wave" wrap from Knitter's Spring 06 that I got on sale for a dollar. Interesting wrap you knit a W then put in one little seam for a very unconventional shaped wrap. The yarns are going together beautifully! In case anyone cares the Malabrigo silk / wool blend is fabulous to knit with! No splits, snarls, or snags. A bit tricky to wind up as it can stick to itself in spots and is slick so it kept riding up my swift. I sincerely hope the Dr I see in the morning gives me some good drugs. Night.
National Alpaca Farm day coming up in Oct. Get to visit local alpaca farms. Fun.
Diane I have made progress on your shawl, about 1/2 way thru the body. I haven't touched it in oh about 4 days as my head can't handle counting.
Did cast on the luscious Malabrigo silk blend. I am mixing it with some other yarns in a "The Wave" wrap from Knitter's Spring 06 that I got on sale for a dollar. Interesting wrap you knit a W then put in one little seam for a very unconventional shaped wrap. The yarns are going together beautifully! In case anyone cares the Malabrigo silk / wool blend is fabulous to knit with! No splits, snarls, or snags. A bit tricky to wind up as it can stick to itself in spots and is slick so it kept riding up my swift. I sincerely hope the Dr I see in the morning gives me some good drugs. Night.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Suspicious Minds
You know when you have a hunch and you think nah. Yeah, you're usually right. I bought some fabu yarn in San Fran. Remember the Malabrigo silk blend? I wound one hank up tonight. Mainly due to the fact I didn't believe they fit appox 315 yards in a 100 gram hank. I know about how much yarns weigh and thought that sounded a bit light, maybe like 200 yards in a hank? Yup. I measured out 10 yds then weight the ball that was 10 yds lighter and did the math. Yup 200 yards exact. I know it was a preview yarn and its not widely available yet. So I can forgive the 315 yds on the label, sort of ( I am a bit grumpy). It was only 20.99 a hank so not bad either way. Still I hope they correct that when it hits the market. It is a silk blend but did seem slightly grabby when winding it up. So I thought it might be Clapotis II, now I have no idea. Waiting on the new Knitty to see if there are any cool new wraps. Diane, your shawl progress is safe as I clearly am not being lured away by the knitting sirens to a new project cast on.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
A Lot Going On
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Finally a Clapotis
Project: Clapotis
Yarn: Vintage Alpaca Limited Edition 2006, dk, fawn, 4 skeins
Needles: US 6, Knit Picks Options
Time: 1 1/2 weeks
Size: 23" wide, 77" long
A Close Up Shot
This shot doesn't show the warmth of this color, the first is much better.
Project Notes: I added an extra repeat in the straight section. I was already going to gave to break into skein 4 for a couple yards, so I wanted to feel it was worth it. Alpaca stretches and doesn't bounce back. Probably why mine came out way longer than the original and I used more yarn on teh decrease than the increase section. Note it should have used the same amount. I love the length of this one. It still scrunches up to be a long scarf due to the dropped stitches, but is a good wrap if I feel the need. Since I used dk weight it isn't too bulky. I find this pattern addicting. It was simple enough that I could cruise along with the added thrill of dropping stitches. The yarn used is all natural and undyed and is sooooooooo buttery soft. I am in love. It even feels sikly. Note I did have to pick the stitches to get them to drop all the way down. I just saved that for movie watching. I also like the fact that this yarn is from Alpacas in Nazareth, PA and the yarn is processed, milled, whatever here too. I can just picture the alpaca who grew my yarn prancing around, I believe her name is Maude. I will make another Clapotis. The next one will be in a varigated yarn to maximize the pattern, although the color of this yarn in person is a scrumptious brown. Might have to go back to 2 Sisters and Ewe to snag some more in another color. This time I will park near Starbucks and avoid the nasty meter man who gave me a ticket. I was less than two damn minutes over! He ticketed everyone. Must be so surly due to the heat, which is finally broken. Off to dream land.
Humble Beginings
Project: shoulder shawl in Syrian pattern, Victorian Lace Today.
Needles: US 6, Knit Picks options
Yarn: Kaalund, Wysteria
Other Items needed: A booklight so I can see when trying to do this in a darkened room so as not to wake the buby! Laugh, but it works.
This is my first lace weight project, but it is off to a good start. This pattern is simple yet pretty. It doesn't compete with the colors of the yarn. Still undecided as to how I am going to do the border.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
The Joy of Yarn
The holy grail has been found, er I found Imagi Knit of San Francisco. I am in love with this shop! Walking in I felt lightheaded with all the yarn in one location. Yarn lined the walls from top to bottom and was piled in baskets all around. All the yarns I have only drooled over from my computer were there in the flesh to be pet. It took me a good hour to peek, poke, and get my bearings. That is with going in with a PLAN for what I was seeking to purchase! There was quite a variety of yarn from all the well knowns to yarns from more local sources. The staff was friendly without being on top of you. They seemed to understand my need to look around in awe for a rather long time. When I had questions they were friendly and pleasant, even though I kept finding all the new stock that didn't have prices just yet. They do have an online store that has a smaller selection then the brick and mortar storefront. I FINALLY understand all the fuss over Malabrigo, soft and comes in a seemingly endless variety of colors. I have begun a foray into lace knitting. My main goal was to get some handpainted lace weight yarn as its not overly popular in my LYS. Diane loved my shawl I made for me and wanted a shawl for her very own. She picked and bought her yarn and I am currently working on her shawl. There are very few people I would do this for so you should feel very privilaged Diane. She was nice enough to choose 100% silk so I get to play around with that. Now for the lovelies.
Kaalund 100% silk from Australia, color wysteria, 300 meters ea
I am currently working with this yarn and like it very much!
This yarn is so bright and fun in person!
Ahh alpaca, my true love.
Aurora Yarns of Moss, CA.
This reminds me of the bay and mussel shells picked up along the beach in RI as a kid.
Color is noted as one of a kind not to be repeated. Gorgeous!
This yarn will be available at the end of the year to sometime next year.
Imagi Knit had a couple preview skeins in a handful of colors. I scored the last 2 in this color. They were just about out of this lucious yarn. It is soft and shimmery.
If you ever get the chance to go to San Fran this shop is a must see!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Farm Country , I Mean Modesto, CA
We took a trip to Modesto, CA around mid August to see my best friend Diane who is moving to Orlando, FL for a job. Of course this happens right as non-stop flights from San Diego to San Fran are coming soon at $39. Oh, well. It was a fun trip and Buby got to spend time with Luna, Diane's weirmeriner (sp ?) (it's a big dog). He mostly enjoyed the attention of a dog, maybe he would like it on a smaller scale. We had tons of fun just hanging around. We made a trip to Coloe Me Mine, which is becoming a bit of a tradition. Photos will be posted when Diane ships my piece. Mainly we terrorized Diane with a Buby.
The City by the Bay
Our first full day with Diane was spent in San Francisco. I loved this day trip! Where to begin. The first event was a visit to Imagi Knit, the details on the knit shop coming soon. The Bart didn't go quite all the way to the knit shop so there was a trek, uphill, which began in the ghetto. Okay maybe not the ghetto but it was a not so nice place. I will say I am not a city girl and typical find the city a dangerous place. A helpful fellow on the Bart said it was like 2 blocks. More like a country mile. I said it was all uphill right? As I was the only knitter I am sure the others were wondering how this could all possibly be worth the long haul. We finally arrived and we all went in. I was in there for an hour and a half. The non-knitters quickly made way to a cafe across the street. Now when I WAS done I did feel the need for nourishment. The cafe was a local sort, not a big corporate coffee chain, that served delicious iced coffee. The sort that you can feel clogging your arteries as I think it had tons of cream. A delicious hazelnut cake type pastry was inhaled. Good thing the walk back was all downhill!
We hopped back on the Bart to go to downtown. We had a rather long walk from the station to Pier 39. The better to build up an appetite! We promptly ate at some random restaurant. Went to check out sea lions, view Alacatraz, and catch a glimpse of the Golden Gate. More shopping, much more eating (crepes with Nutella and strawberries!). There is a shop named Chocolate Heaven. YUM! Buby loved San Fran from atop his daddy's shoulders. He could be heard singing away as we took in the sights. It was a full day and I was most happy with my yarn purchases!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Got Lace?
Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Silky Kid, Cabin Fever, dk weight, Knit Picks Shadow, Redwood Forest, lace weight used doubled
Needles: US size 8, Knit Picks options
Time: 1 week
Size: 61: across the top, 25" from top to tip after blocking
Project Notes: This was a great introduction to lace knitting. Using a heavier yarn made the project go quickly. I bought one skein of this yarn and needed to come up with a project for the one skein since it is a pricey yarn.I used almost the entire skein; very small amount left. I bought a postal scale so I could use all the yarn without getting into a pattern repeat and running out. I like the edge in the solid color. I think it sort of anchors the handpainted yarn. This reminds me of the falling leaves I miss so much from growing up in RI. The edge did not come out as pointy as intended, I used bigger needles to bind off but I think it still tightened up. In the future I will explore other methods of binding off lace. I like the effect of the handpainted yarn in this project, however I do see how solids show patterns better. I live handpainted yarn so much I will use it again, but for more complex patterns I will use solids. The size is perfect. I can wear it out and not have a huge shawl dragging behind me or use it as a scarf. Since I have a 10 month old that is a huge plus. I think this shawl will look great with jeans and will probably be a staple this winter.
Undulating Waves
Project: Waves Scarf, free from Knit Picks
Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill Twister in blues and greens 2 skeins (586 yds each)
Needles: US size 8, Knit Picks options
Time: about a month with some breaks
Size: 16" wide 80" long after blocking
Project Notes: Love the finished project. I did not use a bulky yarn as the pattern called for originally. This project opened up and has tremendous drape once blocked. 80" of reversible 2x2 ribbing gets boring! By the end I just want this project to end. I am very glad I knit this scarf, but I think the yarn MAKES the project on this one. I alternated the 2 skeins every pattern repeat. The skeins were slightly different due to the nature of hand dyed yarn.
Let's Get This Party Started!
Okay perhaps I began this blog at a not so good time in my life. Buby went thru a particularly needy phase combined with teeth FINALLY begining to come in. Things are much better now. I get time to knit and even breathe! Since my birthday was just over a month ago I am in my get organized and focused phase. Maybe thats why I love the fall so much. It is my New Year's in a way. I am going to be making updates at least every Sunday. Yes, I am scheduling my blog. I really want to post so I have a project gallery when I begin to forget what I have accomplished. It's no good to have a project gallery when you never update. This is why I do not have a physical scrap book; it would never come into being.
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Innocent Thief
First things first. I'm still here but am operating on a serious sleep deficit. Picture me swooning around clutching a coffee mug as though it were as essential as oxygen, hair askew from being pulled by little hands, and a pretty darn surly attitude to be honest. Those happy prancing people around me must get sleep without someone trying to rearrange their face in the night.
It finally happened. At 31 years old I became a shoplifter. I am innocent I tell you. I know every hardened criminal sings the same song from death row. I stole something by accident. In my defense I ended up paying for it at another store that sold the same product. Hmm sounds mysterious. Anybody who has ever gone racing thru a store throwing items in the bottom of the stroller can relate to this sort of incident. I did have a sun hat and wipe cloth hiding in the bottom of the stroller and they obscured the last item. Said item was found a day later at another store while I was at the register. I paid for it as though I plucked it off their shelves. Secretly wondering if my picture is plastered up at the other store with the offer of a reward. Is mommy brain a legitimate defense in a court of law? Slap some mommies on the jury and I bet I walk.
Now for a pretty picture. I have become obsessed with this project and find I am unable to finish anything else. The new yarn doesn't match perfect, thanks to the capricious nature of hand dyers, so I am staggered the yarn at 5 repeats per ball. So of course the section I am working on is looking as though I may not finish, yet I have so much of the other yarn ball it makes me wonder about true yardage. Some yarn labels do say under ideal conditions yardage is X. What? Ideal conditions? Must be a mommy brain sweatshop. This points out the fact that I need a kitchen scale that measures in grams with a digital output. No room for errors here people this is yarn!
Monday, June 18, 2007
I am running out of yarn. I am about halfway thru this scarf that I have fallen in love with and it is going to be way too short. I have mentioned in the part the siren named Lola who lives in this yarn. I thought perhaps maybe she checked out since all was going so well. Oh no. Lola was merely silent for a spell composing her new song. For my non-knitting pals this means that even if I get the same color it will not be an exact match due to dye lot business. I am not giving up on this scarf as I am too in love with it. I merely have to find a way to peel myself off the rocks before some monstrous sea creature finds me.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
What Have I Been Up To?
Besides losing my mind? First I haven't had much time to post with all the sleep issues going on. It always seems to be 2 steps forward and like 10 back. Sigh.
Ah, looks like clogs that need to be felted.

Tofustsies socks done! Wavy scarf on its way. Now that damn scarf is being a pain. First the yarn wouldn't take to any pattern. Then I get going on the current pattern and screw it up. Then I drop a stitch on a cable row and have to rip out a few rows. Picture me sitting at the table for like 45 min with a whole bunch of sock circulars stuck in to keep stitches from getting away. It was a delicate surgery. I used to believe a mermaid lived in this yarn. Now I know its a siren and she loves to see me crash on the rocks. Her name is Lola. Miserable siren!

I am unsure of this yarn. I have started the Monkey sock from Knitty. We shall see. The sock is the gauge check so this may all be ripped out very soon.

A cotton bib in progress. Almost done really just needs a cord. Ta Da the felted slippers!

You see every spare minute I can steal has been knitting, which is why I am behind with the blog. Knitting keeps me from pulling my hair out and I am shedding enough with the nursing that if I relax my knitting I will be bald. Apparently my grand scheme to keep my "on the needles" projects to a minimum has failed miserably. I choose to accept who I am. At least I complete them all eventually. The beast stirs.
What is Buby wearing?
Tofustsies socks done! Wavy scarf on its way. Now that damn scarf is being a pain. First the yarn wouldn't take to any pattern. Then I get going on the current pattern and screw it up. Then I drop a stitch on a cable row and have to rip out a few rows. Picture me sitting at the table for like 45 min with a whole bunch of sock circulars stuck in to keep stitches from getting away. It was a delicate surgery. I used to believe a mermaid lived in this yarn. Now I know its a siren and she loves to see me crash on the rocks. Her name is Lola. Miserable siren!
I am unsure of this yarn. I have started the Monkey sock from Knitty. We shall see. The sock is the gauge check so this may all be ripped out very soon.
A cotton bib in progress. Almost done really just needs a cord. Ta Da the felted slippers!
You see every spare minute I can steal has been knitting, which is why I am behind with the blog. Knitting keeps me from pulling my hair out and I am shedding enough with the nursing that if I relax my knitting I will be bald. Apparently my grand scheme to keep my "on the needles" projects to a minimum has failed miserably. I choose to accept who I am. At least I complete them all eventually. The beast stirs.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
May the Force Be With Us
Still alive. Trying to get Buby used to formula. I am going crazy and may lose my mind. I have a whole post in mind but it will have to wait. Started second Tofutsies sock and its going better. Now to try Jedi mind tricks to keep a baby from not screaming and perhaps please God sleeping.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
This is Your Brain...This is Your Brain on Baby
The Wonky Mess
Have you ever known you were right? You are right the world is wrong. It doesn't matter if you have had maybe 2 hours of decent sleep in a week. You are right. How could you be wrong?
Went skipping, more like running at top speed, off to knit night last night. As promised the evil little sock was present but had to have a time out in its bag. I was going to start a new project. An easy peasy I don't even have to look at it project. I will preface this by saying I am not a cable virgin. I have done them and love em! They don't scare me. The fact that this was a 24 stitch cable didn't phase me. Yup, slip 12 stitches off let em hang out with their toes flapping in the breeze, knit 12 stitches, twist with all your might to get those first 12 back in line and knit those babies. No problem. Somehow I forgot my brain has been on baby lately. Screw the drugs babies are way more dangerous! They will rob you of every sleeping opportunity that dares present itself! I nestle in with a large orange mocha latte and begin. The cabeling doesn't start till row 9. I was there in no time flat. This is when all hell breaks loose. I can only say I firmly believe the knitting pixies have been in my bag and bewitched the pattern page. They made do 24 stitch cable, THEN k2 p2 6 times LOOK like do 24 stitch cable 6 times. Yeah, I didn't have enough stitches. I decide to carry on with the next row anyway. Some things are a leap of faith. Somewhere on the next row I stat giggling to myself, I get louder, then a tad louder. I WOULD have sounded like a hysterical loon if it had not been open auditions for American Idol in Starbucks last night. I am not talking about the customers. No, no the employees. Let me just say that was awful, bloody awful. My knit buddy keeps wondering why I am laughing and behaving a bit odd. I mention the need for a drink. Since Starbucks hasn't caught on to the desperate need for suburban housewives to knock a few back you are advised to bring a flask on your next trip to latte land. I realize its WAY late so I figure I must rewrite the pattern when I get home since it was so totally screwed up. I mean how dare they tell me to cast on 104 stitches when you need 152. The gaul of some people!
Meanwhile back at the bat cave. I am all ready to make a post ranting about the error on the local forum when I decide to look at the original pattern online. HMMM. I see the error of my ways and realize I knit 2 extra cable sections. Well no wonder knitting that damn thing was like wrangling an octopus! My hands felt like they were gonna fall off! My knit buddy mentioned the model in the pattern did have a look on her face that suggested she was thinking why in the hell did she knit the damn thing.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Smell like matches?
This Tofutsies yarn is not destined to become a favorite. Granted I am a cranky, pissy, mess after going to bed at 12am, being woken up 5-6 times, then rising at 5:30 am with Buby. AGHHHH! This yarn is splitty, which I knew, but is highly irritating if trying to pick up a dropped stitch. After working with it my hands smell like I have been playing with matches. Will I suffer the dreaded second sock syndrome? No, I will complete the mate. I am seriously considering leaving this disobediant yarn home for knit night. Take that! Note the Coke in the background. If it were not for coffee and Coke I would be dead.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades
I am indeed alive. Let's just say Buby had two teeth come thru at once. Not so good for the sleepy thing. Add to that the psycho mama that is a hormonal woman weaning from breast milk and it hasn't been pretty round these parts. I had to school a woman in Ross about manners. I should be locked up until this is over. Zelda runs at the sight of me. I do have moments of rational thought, but alas they are fleeting. If you know you are acting crazy as you are doing it does it still make you crazy?

First attempt at matchy matchy (without knitting 2 socks at once) went fairly well. They are like a row and a half off. The old saying should be revised: Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and now socks.
Whoo HOO! Loving having a swift and ball winder. This "Pansy" yarn didn't look so good in the hank. I immediately thought I didn't like it, but it has possibilities in a ball. Now to choose a pattern. I may give the monkey a whirl.
First attempt at matchy matchy (without knitting 2 socks at once) went fairly well. They are like a row and a half off. The old saying should be revised: Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and now socks.
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